My Books of 2018

Books I read
  1. I will teach you to be rich
  2. The "Keep it simple" book
  3. How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big
  4. Goodbye , things . On minimalist living
  5. Make - Bootstrappers handbook
  6. 100 things successful people do
  7. The organised mind
  8. Essentialism - the disciplines pursuit of less
  9. Narconomics
  10. FLOW A Handbook for Change Makers, Mavericks, Innovation Activists and Leaders
  11. It doesn’t have to be crazy at work
  12. 21 lessons for the 21st century
  13. Red notice
  14. How to read a book
  15. The lean startup (again)
  16. The Defining Decade - why your 20s matter
  17. 1984
  18. If I could tell you just one thing
  19. The Alchemist
  20. Conspiracy
  21. Factfulness
  22. Make it stick
  23. Food rules
  24. Do no harm
  25. It takes a tribe
  26. Lying
  27. Principles
  28. Age doesn’t matter unless you’re a cheese
  29. Start with why
  30. The 5 Love Languages
  31. The little big things
  32. Homo Deus
  33. Who moved my cheese
  34. The big four
  35. Anything you want